Tire R-rubber Encyclopedia

Tire reclaimed rubber and other rubber production soles formula study

Create Date:2017-01-17 11:07:42Click volume:5772

Rubber soles soft, high elasticity, wear very comfortable, loved by many people, so more and more rubber soles manufacturers, the market competition intensified. Many rubber sole manufacturers in order to reduce the cost of raw materials, began to use reclaimed rubber in the formula. However, in the actual production, the rubber soles with recycled rubber used well can not only reduce the cost of raw materials, but also can improve the rubber soles wear resistance, anti-aging properties; but bad will be counterproductive. Such as Xiaobian have seen such a formula, appeared black rubber sole white phenomenon.

Vietnam 3L, 8 parts; styrene butadiene rubber, 8 parts; butadiene rubber, 16 parts; white carbon black, 20 parts; reclaimed rubber, 20 parts; white oil, 3 parts; 0.3 parts accelerator TT 0.1 parts accelerator M 0.2 parts accelerator DM 0.25 parts zinc oxide 2 parts sulfur 0.7 parts total 79.75 parts.

Curing temperature: 170 * 3min. According to the formula source reaction, the use of the formula of black rubber soles appear whitish phenomenon, to find a solution.

In fact, the high content of raw materials in this recipe, the reason why there is black white soles phenomenon, and add the tire reclaimed rubber little relationship, which our technicians specialized research, the results are as follows:

1, the formula of butadiene rubber is second only to styrene-butadiene rubber, the second largest synthetic rubber, its resistance to cold, wear and elasticity is very good, with natural rubber and the production of various wear-resistant, cold-resistant rubber products. The addition of the right amount of butadiene rubber to the rubber sole formulation improves the abrasion resistance and low temperature flexibility of the sole; however, an excessive amount of butadiene rubber in the formulation results in whitening of the black rubber sole.

2, reclaimed rubber formulations with formulations in the compound over the solubility of the compound, the white mixture of agents precipitated the surface, excessive stearic acid, sulfur excess rubber soles cause saturated discharge. Adjust the amount of recycled rubber products with the dosage of rubber cream is to solve the fundamental blooming.

According to the reasons, we can adjust the formula: adjust the amount of butadiene rubber appropriate to reduce the amount of sulfur, the appropriate resin, adjust the amount of stearic acid and increase the amount of antioxidant, improve the overall performance of rubber soles.

Hebei Hongyun recycled plastic factory production of environmentally friendly odorless tire reclaimed rubber in line with the EU environmental directives, high strength, small proportion, good elasticity, elongation, no migration, is the ideal material for the production of export-oriented rubber soles.

Exclusive original article [commercial authorization] reprint, excerpt and excerpt in any form are prohibited without written authorization. Focus on Hongyun rubber: learn the process formula and raw material technology of producing rubber products from recycled rubber to help you reduce costs and increase profits