Tire R-rubber Encyclopedia

How to Improve Tensile Strength of Reclaimed Rubber Tire

Create Date:2017-06-20 11:07:29Click volume:7046

Superfine tire reclaimed rubber biggest advantage is the fineness, generally up to 80 mesh or more, for the production of rubber products can ensure smooth and bright surface without bump. However, the use of recycled rubber tire manufacturers are aware that the tensile strength of reclaimed rubber tire reclaim compared with ordinary rubber is much lower, the higher the fineness of the lower reclaimed rubber tensile strength, this is because the higher the fineness The more damage the reclaimed rubber molecules are inside. So how to adjust the tensile strength of ultra-fine reclaimed rubber? With "superfine" at the same time have "high strength"?

The fineness of tire rubber powder is the basic factor that affects the tensile strength of reclaimed rubber tire. However, in addition to the fineness, the tensile strength of reclaimed rubber is related to the type and amount of vulcanizing agent, accelerator, reinforcing agent and softener. Reasonable control of the amount of various chemical additives can also increase the tensile strength of reclaimed rubber tire.

1, the vulcanization system design of ultra-fine reclaimed rubber tensile strength: Under normal circumstances, the use of sulfur vulcanized tire reclaimed rubber tensile strength is high, together with the accelerator DM, accelerator M, accelerator D and can be Significantly improve the tensile strength of ultra-fine reclaimed rubber.

2, Reinforcing agents affect the tensile strength of ultra-fine reclaimed rubber: Rubber reinforcing agent can improve the processing technology of rubber compound in rubber and improve various physical properties of rubber compound. Generally, the smaller the diameter of reinforcing filler in the ultrafine recycled rubber, the larger the surface area in contact with the rubber compound and the larger the surface activity, the better the reinforcing performance. The crosslink density of the regenerated rubber inside the ultrafine rubber tire increases with the strengthening Increasing dosage and continuously improve, thereby increasing the tensile strength of ultra-fine reclaimed rubber.

3, softeners affect the ultra-fine reclaimed rubber Tensile strength: softener in the reclaimed rubber can increase the elongation at break of recycled rubber and resilience and improve the rubber processing technology; However, excessive use of softener can lead to reclaimed rubber Tensile strength decreased, so an appropriate amount of softener can also increase the amount of ultra-fine reclaimed rubber tensile strength, usually less than 7 in the open mill, mixer below 5 to improve the dispersion will help improve the ultra-fine renewable rubber Tensile strength.

Superfine tire reclaimed rubber used in the types of chemical additives and the amount of different reclaimed rubber tensile strength is also different. In addition, ultra-fine reclaimed rubber tensile strength and temperature, the production process, to improve the tensile strength of reclaimed rubber tire to improve the performance of ultra-fine tire reclaimed rubber products and service life of great significance.

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